Friday, April 9, 2010

Herman Miller Eames Chair

I have been secretly coveting a Herman Miller Eames Chair for a long long time. I like to refer to them as psychiatrist chairs. They normally run about $3,700. I've found knockoffs for as low as $545. I spot them in lots of movies and tv shows. It makes me laugh when they have them in run down homes because they are so dang expensive.

And now I have one.

I know you're thinking, "what, the what Mrs. Megan Ruth Stay? I thought you were a poor person." To which I reply, "I am, my friend, I am."

A couple nights ago I was waiting for Sir Luke to get home from another long day on the job. I was searching around for my usual items (pug, patio, chaise, bench, leather chair). I've been trying to find a leather chair to quasi revamp. My mom gave me this great up-cycle book, Tosssed & Found, for Christmas with some great ideas, including one for a leather chair.

That's when I spotted the ad. "BROWN LEATHER CHAIR & OTTOMAN - $25" Being that I've been searching since Christmas for a leather chair to makeover I had an idea of what kind of not so awesome was going to be in the link.

Boy, oh boy, was I WRONG!

I still can't believe it's true. I walked into the apartment where my future chair resided. I turned the corner and there he was in all his glory. A buttery caramel leather Herman Miller Eames style chair. I tried not to get too giddy for fear the couple selling it would realize the mistake they were about to make.

The sticker on the bottom of the chair reads Plycraft Inc. 1984. You can tell it's not made as well because of the bolts visible on the side of the wood shell. It's not a Herman Miller but it's still Mid-Century Modern and awesome. Hooray! I found one for sale on eBay going for $127 right now. I'll watch and see where it ends up at. I figure it looks exactly how I want and for $25? Hello! I'll take it.

 Thank you naive UT couple who decided Grandpa's old chair wasn't worth keeping in storage. Thank your for not knowing the cornucopia of design that was in your possession. My life is so much happier for it.


Capree said...

OH MY GOSH. You have got to be kidding me!! $25??!?! That is insane. Absolutely insane. This is hands down the best craigslist find EVER.

Natalie said...

ditto to what capree said. seriously. AMAZING! and i love love the color!

Meg Ruth said...

Thanks ladies! I'm in love with a piece of furniture. Am I a weirdo?

CK said...


We don't know each other but are somehow related, not really, but kinda sorta (cousins and marriages and such). Anyhoo, I read this post and then laughed because a week later I saw your chair on a rerun of "Frasier".

Hope you enjoy your famous furniture!